GitHub Pages Demonstration
This is a demonstration of some of the cool integrations with GitHub that GitHub Pages provides.
For example, that heading comes from the GitHub repository this demo is hosted within.
<h1>{{ site.github.project_tagline }}</h1>
The repository this demo is hosted in is
These lovely people have contributed a change to this repository. If you want to see yourself in this list, send me a pull request. Go to the bottom for a real simple way to help.
The code for generating that list is:
{% for contributor in site.github.contributors %}
<img src="{{ contributor.avatar_url }}" width="32" height="32" />
<a href="{{ contributor.html_url }}">{{ contributor.login }}</a>
{% endfor %}
This is a list of my public repositories
- haacked/aboard-feedback
- haacked/AntSharesCore
- haacked/aspnet-client-validation
- haacked/aspnetcore
- haacked/aspnetcore-app-workshop
- haacked/AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios
- haacked/AspNetDocs
- haacked/aspnetmvc-action-checker
- haacked/atom-hubot
- haacked/atom-typescript
- haacked/AutoUpdate
- haacked/azure-docs
- haacked/bot-docs
- haacked/botbuilder-dotnet
- haacked/CDC2019
- haacked/
- haacked/CodeHaacks
- haacked/ConferenceSessionBrowser
- haacked/css
- haacked/
- haacked/DemoRepo
- haacked/
- haacked/disqus-importer
- haacked/dotfiles
- haacked/dotfiles-1
- haacked/EmojiDownloader
- haacked/Encourage
- haacked/encourage-atom
- haacked/encourage-mobile
- haacked/feedback
- haacked/fritz
- haacked/fritz-demo
- haacked/fun-with-infinite-sums
- haacked/FuseSharp
- haacked/gh-pages-demo
- haacked/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows
- haacked/git-demo
- haacked/github-selfies
- haacked/GitHubForDummiesReaders
- haacked/haackbar
- haacked/haacked
- haacked/
- haacked/HaackHub
- haacked/hubot
- haacked/IdentityServer4
- haacked/impress.js
- haacked/jekyll
- haacked/jekyll-blog-comments-azure
- haacked/jekyll-feed
- haacked/jekyll-url-fixer
- haacked/Joonasw.AzureDataProtection
- haacked/jQuery-Live-Preview
- haacked/jquery.undoable
- haacked/letsencrypt-azure
- haacked/letsencrypt-webapp-renewer
- haacked/ListOutOfLambda
- haacked/Media
- haacked/microsoft-graph-docs
- haacked/Microsoft-Teams-Samples
- haacked/mirrorsharp
- haacked/ModuleInit
- haacked/moodswings
- haacked/mvc-metadata-conventions
- haacked/Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
- haacked/NugetSignChecker
- haacked/NullGuard
- haacked/octokit-oauth-demo
- haacked/
- haacked/ReallyEmptyMvc3ProjectTemplate
- haacked/RestSharp
- haacked/retlab
- haacked/roslyn
- haacked/Rothko
- haacked/routemagic
- haacked/seegit
- haacked/shanselman
- haacked/simple-editable-div
- haacked/site-policy
- haacked/Subtext
- haacked/subtext-jekyll-exporter
- haacked/talk-abstracts
- haacked/TerminalServicesPortChanger
- haacked/TextWrapper
- haacked/TimedLock
- haacked/twofactorauth
- haacked/UpdatePanelExample
- haacked/VisualStudio
- haacked/WebAPIContrib.Core
{% for repository in site.github.public_repositories %}
<li><a href="{{ repository.html_url }}">{{ repository.full_name }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
This is a list of the members of my “organization”. This is probably just me.
{% for member in site.github.organization_members %}
<img src="{{ member.avatar_url }}" width="32" height="32" /> {{ member.login }}
{% endfor %}
GitHub Pages now support specifying themes outside of your repository. For example, you can use one of GitHub’s pre-built themes by entering the following in _config.yml
theme: minima
GitHub Pages also supports specifying another repository as the theme for your site. See the documentation for more information.
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